Hi Robin, From the article you provided, it is a four-step process. 1. Download the "MSPictureLibrarySlideshow" web part from your team site (In the screenshot, it seems you are looking for this web part in public website) 2. Navigate to your public website's Web Parts Gallery from the URL:https:// tenantdomain -public.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/start.aspx#/_catalogs/wp/Forms/AllItems.aspx and upload the web part you downloaded from your team site. 3. Create a picture library you want to display in a slide show in your public website. 4. In the page where you want to add a slide show, add the Picture Library Slideshow Web Part and edit its properties(choose the picture library you want to display) Also, the answer to your question is yes. You can add some HTML5, CSS and javascripts to the public website. If anything is unclear, feel free to let us know. Thanks, Frank